Friday, January 27, 2012

Not worth getting upset about??? like hell it is !!!

last night, was the 19th debate and i love this stuff. i love watching political theatre. but there was a moment when santorum and romney were going back and forth on romneycare and Romney clearly was loosing the argument. So Romney went and said something that made me furious "you don't have to get angry about it". Santoriums face was priceless. that comment made him angry. Romney is so devoid of passion that i doubt that he would see it if it smacked him in the face and bet him 10,000 dollars. Santorium isn't angry, he is passionate. its called passion dummy not anger. any time that you make someone pay the government pay for being alive people should get angry. it is a affont to everything that this country was founded on. its a affront to the god given rights that the creator gave to each and everyone of us. The fact that Romney doesnt get passionate about this stuff makes me worry that he is another moderate, another McCain, destined to loose and get pwned by el presidentay. Ive been reading Locke and Montesquieu and a tax just for being alive is a direct affront to personal property rights making it harder for people to move up in society. Its wrong and i want someone who gets passionate about my rights being infringed not someone who doesn't.

The Media attacks on Newt are lame

So here we are in the crazy season again, and gingrich breaks out after South Carolina and now there is a giant pile on by everyone in the RNC. This stuff makes me sick and its getting old. I'm tired of a RNC that has absolutely no vision, that just takes the status quo. Newt has a vision for the future for man space flight that is inspiring and what do we get??? We are suppost to be happy with romney, a moderate that is boring and slick and will get killed by obama when the election comes. Space is awesome and maybe its because I'm a giant geek who loves scifi and loves America, but we should be the leaders in space, not China or India. We should be a beacon on the hill not shepard the decline of our country like the RNC wants to. Look at this contract with amercia and tell me that is not impressive. Newt is a man of his word and he followed his last contract with america. Tell me that the contract with america isnt conservative and wouldnt start us on the right path? We need a fighter not some slick manager. We need priorities like space exploration to inspire the worlds youth to study science and math and the artist to dream big.

Beck says that newt is a progressive, and maybe he is. But I would take a Teddy Roosevelt progressive that wants a smaller goverment than it is now and will set us on the right direction than Ron Paul or a moderate or a straight man like Santorium. I like Santorium but does he have the giant vision that our country needs today to turn it around??? no he doesnt . I think we need someone like newt. We need big ideas so that when we fall short, we still get somewhere great. Santorium, Romney, and Paul dont have grand visions of a country that is great. Newt is like a artist who is looking at a piece of marble and sees the sculpture inside and Santorium, Romney, and Paul are the people who see a rock and walk on by. Newt is the contractor who sees a ran down foreclosed house and sees the finished possibilities and these 3 other knuckle heads see a lot to be torn down. I love this country and i want someone who wants to rebuild it, not let it decline like the current president does.

I want a visionary for president. I want newt, i just hope that he can prevail from the pile on from coulter and the RNC and DNC.